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Oct 27, 2020

Stoicism is an ancient Greek philosophy designed to make the practitioner more resilient, happier, more virtuous, courageous, and wise.

Some of history’s greatest leaders were Stoics: Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, George Washington, Theodore Roosevelst, and more recently, people like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Brady,...

Oct 20, 2020

Have you ever had “Soul Talk?”

You know what I’m talking about…

Soul Talk is when you have a deeply connecting connection with someone.

None of the superficial small talk…

No discussing the weather, or how to get billy to soccer practice.

None of that, “How was your day?” “Fine… how was yours?”...

Oct 13, 2020

Changing human behavior is typically really hard.

Don’t believe me? What percentage of people who made a New Year’s resolution to hit the gym and get in shape are still committed to it 4 weeks later?

Not many.

Because it’s HARD to change a lifetime of habits - like the time you wake up, the way you fold your...

Oct 5, 2020

The cost of your marriage license (depending on where you live) was probably around $40.

The average cost of a wedding in the US last year was over $35,000.

If you were to get divorced today, the cost would likely be around $15,000.

Lots of people - including the government, dressmakers, photographers and lawyers - are...